Castor Vali was recently approached by a longstanding client to carry out various vessel security assessments of their fleet operating across the Gulf of Guinea. Detailed meetings were held with the client to understand the desired output and work with them to ensure the best deliverables. We quickly identified that in the first instance vessel hardening vulnerability assessments of their fleet were required. Whilst conducting the vessel assessments this presented a value-add opportunity to conduct crew training and drills that were bespoke to the vessel’s operations. Castor Vali worked through the entire fleet, which included vessels in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The vessels were all operating in different roles and as such understanding their operations and how our recommendations could fit without hindering ‘business as usual’ was paramount.

Delivery of the Vessel Assessment
Castor Vali deployed one of our most experienced offshore managers to Equatorial Guinea and he, in turn, moved through the vessels spending two to three days on each. As well as conducting the physical inspection and vulnerability assessment, we delivered a training package to all crew with certain elements being tailored to the officers. The training included subjects such as Incident Management, Trauma Management, Lockdown Drills, Intelligence and Threat updates, Vessel Hardening and, Piracy tactics and techniques. Additionally, Castor Vali provided an in-depth report on each vessel which highlighted any vulnerable areas and provided recommendations to improve overall safety. The reports were not limited to just the physical issues, but also the operational, human, and technical vulnerabilities that were seen once onboard.
As travel restrictions lift, the world once again, becomes more accessible. This enabled our experts to provide services on site, which can provide greater benefit to our clients and further opportunities for added value which can be lost when conducting the same via video calls or other virtual mean, and as such the client feedback received was excellent.
Vessel Assessment Capability
With a global footprint but a core focus and strength in Africa, Castor Vali is well positioned to carry out extensive security risk assessments, vessel hardening vulnerability assessments and bespoke training throughout the continent and beyond. This latest vessel security assessment in the Gulf of Guinea is one of many projects Castor Vali have supported for a variety of clients and their assets across Africa.
For more information please feel free to contact us at: or call +254 (0) 711 105 879